Adam Bell Steps Down

We are sad to announce that Adam Bell will be stepping down as MD after an impressive tenure. Adam, who has led the band with distinction for the past nine years is taking a break from ‘banding’ to concentrate on family and work commitments.

During his time with Huddersfield and Ripponden Brass Band, Adam Bell brought a wealth of experience and passion to the role, guiding the band through numerous successful performances, competitions, and community events. His leadership and dedication have been instrumental in the band’s growth and success, earning them promotion from the 4th to the 2nd section with three appearances at the National Finals as well as two area contest victories.

“It has been an absolute privilege to conduct Huddersfield and Ripponden Brass Band,” said Adam Bell. “I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together over the past nine years, the band has made incremental musical progress throughout this period whilst developing a wonderful culture based on positive values. Unfortunately I’m no longer in a position to offer the time and dedication the band deserves and therefore it’s only right that I step aside to allow someone the opportunity to build on the excellent foundations we’ve built since 2015. Whoever follows will benefit from a welcoming team who are keen to improve and I wish the whole organisation nothing but success for the future.”

The band’s spokesperson, Julie Atkinson, expressed her gratitude for Adam’s contributions: “Adam’s influence on the band has been profound. Under his baton, we have reached new heights and developed a strong sense of unity and purpose. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours but will miss him enormously and will remain close friends.”

Adam’s last engagement will be at the forthcoming Red Admiral Entertainment Contest and Huddersfield and Ripponden Brass Band is currently in the process of seeking a new conductor.

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